We are very pleased say we are now supplying retail shops in London, New York, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Tokyo and several European countries including Germany and Belgium along with our much valued UK customers

Pottery Fruit Windfalls

Not the pristine artificial fruit that adorns many households Merryfield Pottery Windfalls reflect the real organic look that lies under a tree or is picked from the Summer Strawberry Bed.

The Pottery Savoury Picnic Collection

Sunny Days and Picnic Time – A slice of Cheese and a Glass of Wine

Merryfield Pottery Cheese Shaped Bottlestoppers and Trinket Boxes complimented by our Pork Pie Collection

For that gift to savour

Bakehouse Selection

Who can resist a biscuit

Your favourite must be amongst the Merryfield Pottery selection moulded into Trinket Boxes, Fridge Magnets and Quirky


Or Choose something special from the Merryfield Pottery Patisserie – Jewellery Boxes, Macaroons or Cupcake Trinket Boxes.

Fancy a Doughnut or Éclair then pick from our irresistible Pottery Treats!